A TO Z MYSTERIES - The complete collection .This is a classic children's detective novel by Random House Publishing House - Interesting and thrilling stories, easy-to-understand words and concise storyline - Suitable for children in elementary and junior high school - This is an English reading book which contains a large number of daily conversations among children in the US, providing standard and authentic spoken language for children learning English. ✪ Series information: Type: Paperback. Dimensions: 13.3 x 2. x 19.4 cm.Pages: 86 page/ book ◎ Notes Due to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing.#子どもチャレンジ#英語教材#英語絵本#ペッパーピッグ#英語カード#洋書#ラズキッズ#外国語#おうち英語#バイリンガル#ペッパーピッグ絵本#Usborne#子供英語#razkids#英語育児#公文#英語教育テキスト#razplus#幼児向け#KUMON#英検#本 #BOOK #絵本 #英語 #DWE #ワールドワイドキッズ #幼児英語#児童英語#こども英語#早期教育 #英語育児#バイリンガル育児#洋書 #自宅学習 #読み聞かせ#英語スクール#子育て#ベネッセ#海外駐在#oxford#cambridge#grammar