ノルウェー出身のSSW、Aurora(オーロラ)3rdアルバム『The Gods We Can Touch』にまつわる夢や制作プロセスを1冊にまとめた本です。今年のサマソニ、来年2月の来日も発表されたAURORAの世界観をもっと楽しみたい方ぜひ。アマゾンより購入しました。目立つキズや汚れなどは特に見当たりませんが、あくまで中古であるため、ご理解頂ける方のみ宜しくお願い致します。必ずプロフィールをご覧の上、ご購入お願い致します。----------以下、アマゾンサイトより引用致します。The Gods We Can Touch is a highly intimate book, taking readers on a journey to the very heart of Aurora's world, through her creative process and her inspiration as she wrote her acclaimed third studio album of the same name.This full-color reproduction of Aurora's personal notebook also features all song lyrics from the album, as a beautifully presented cloth hardback with gold foiling. With original album artwork and stunning photography too, this book is a unique and immersive treasure trove for fans.This is a little book I wrote, trying to figure out the soul of my album.\" - Aurora Aksnes\"---洋楽/グッズ